Write equation and solve. Hell

eleven less than five times a number is19

5n - 11 = 19

5n = 30

n = 6

To solve the equation, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Let's assume the unknown number as 'x'.
Step 2: Translate the given sentence into an equation. "Eleven less than five times a number is 19" can be written as:

5x - 11 = 19

Step 3: Simplify the equation.
Add 11 to both sides:
5x - 11 + 11 = 19 + 11
5x = 30

Step 4: Solve for 'x'.
Divide both sides by 5:
(5x)/5 = 30/5
x = 6

Step 5: Verify the solution.
Substitute the value of 'x' back into the original equation:
5(6) - 11 = 30 - 11
30 - 11 = 19
19 = 19

Therefore, the solution to the equation is x = 6.