7y = 49w - 35 I am not sure how the working out goes

What are you doing with that equation?

I was to work out what y equalled. But I have it now.. thank you so much Reiny.. I have posted a new question..

To solve the equation 7y = 49w - 35, you need to isolate the variable y.

Here's the step-by-step solution:

Step 1: Start by simplifying both sides of the equation
7y = 49w - 35

Step 2: Divide both sides of the equation by 7 to isolate y.
7y/7 = (49w - 35)/7
y = 7w - 5

So, the solution to the equation is y = 7w - 5.

If you need to verify if this solution is correct, you can substitute any value for w into the equation and calculate the corresponding value of y.