how many moles of Nitrogen are in 80g of N2O?

mols N2O in 80 g = g/molar mass

There are two atoms of N per molecule of N2O so mols N = mols N2O x 2.


To calculate the number of moles of Nitrogen (N) in a given mass of a compound, you need to use the molar mass of the compound.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Find the molar mass of N2O:
- Nitrogen (N) atomic mass: 14.01 g/mol
- Oxygen (O) atomic mass: 16.00 g/mol
- N2O consists of one nitrogen atom and two oxygen atoms, so the molar mass of N2O = (2 * 14.01 g/mol) + (2 * 16.00 g/mol) = 44.02 g/mol.

2. Determine the number of moles using the given mass of N2O:
- Number of moles = Mass (g) / Molar mass (g/mol)
- Plugging in the values, we have: Number of moles = 80g / 44.02 g/mol ≈ 1.817 moles of N2O.

3. Calculate the number of moles of nitrogen (N):
- In one mole of N2O, there is one mole of nitrogen (N).
- Therefore, the number of moles of nitrogen (N) = 1.817 moles.

So, there are approximately 1.817 moles of Nitrogen (N) in 80g of N2O.