A dog running in the +y-direction at 6.0 hears its owner call from behind, and 2.7 later it's running at the same speed in the opposite direction.

Calculate the dog's change in velocity.
Calculate the average acceleration


To calculate the dog's change in velocity, we need to find the difference between its initial velocity in the positive y-direction and its final velocity in the negative y-direction.

1. Calculate the initial velocity:
The initial velocity will be in the positive y-direction and can be calculated using the formula:
v_i = d / t,
where v_i is the initial velocity, d is the distance, and t is the time.
Since no distance is given, we can assume that the dog starts from rest, which means its initial velocity is 0.

2. Calculate the final velocity:
The final velocity will be in the negative y-direction and can be calculated using the same formula:
v_f = d / t.
The distance in this case will be the same as the initial one since the dog is running in the opposite direction. The time is given as 2.7 seconds.
v_f = d / t = 0 / 2.7 = 0.

3. Calculate the change in velocity:
The change in velocity is the difference between the initial and final velocities:
change in velocity = v_f - v_i = 0 - 0 = 0.
Therefore, the dog's change in velocity is 0.

To calculate the average acceleration, we can use the formula:
average acceleration = change in velocity / time.
Since we already calculated the change in velocity as 0, the average acceleration will also be 0.
Therefore, the dog's average acceleration is 0.