Draw 3 arrays to show that 20 is a multiple of 2, 5, and 10.

To show that 20 is a multiple of 2, 5, and 10, we can draw three separate arrays and demonstrate how they divide evenly into 20.

1. Array to represent the multiple of 2:
In this case, we have an array with 10 rows and 2 columns:

2. Array to represent the multiple of 5:
For this one, we need an array with 4 rows and 5 columns:

3. Array to represent the multiple of 10:
In this case, we can use an array with 2 rows and 10 columns:

In all three cases, when you count the total number of elements in each array, you will find that there are 20 elements. Therefore, we can conclude that 20 is indeed a multiple of 2, 5, and 10.