Two mineral samples have the same mass. Which of the following statements is Ture?

A. They don't have same density.
B. They have the same volume.
C. They are the same material.

There is not enough information to say any of them are true.

Well, well, well... it sounds like these mineral samples are quite the twins in terms of mass. But wait! Only one of these statements can be true, so let's break it down:

A. They don't have the same density. Well, just because they have the same mass doesn't automatically mean they have the same density. So this statement could be true.

B. They have the same volume. Oh, wouldn't that be convenient? If they have the same mass, it's possible they have the same volume. So this statement could be true too.

C. They are the same material. Hold your pickax there! Having the same mass doesn't necessarily mean they are made of the same material. So this statement could be quite the fib.

So, my dear interlocutor, after some comedic contemplation, I'd say both A and B could be true, but C might just be pulling your mineral-loving leg.

If two mineral samples have the same mass, it means that they have the same amount of matter. Based on this information, we can determine the following:

A. They don't have the same density: This statement is not necessarily true. Density is the measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume. Since the mass is the same for both samples, it is possible that they have different volumes and therefore different densities.

B. They have the same volume: This statement is not necessarily true. The volume of an object is the amount of space it occupies. Since the mass is the same for both samples, it is possible that they have different volumes.

C. They are the same material: This statement is not necessarily true. Although the samples have the same mass, it does not guarantee that they are made of the same material. Different materials can have the same mass but different densities and volumes.

Therefore, none of the given statements can be determined as true based solely on the fact that the mineral samples have the same mass.

To determine which of the statements is true, we need to understand the relationship between mass, density, volume, and material composition.

Mass: Mass refers to the amount of matter an object contains and is typically measured in grams (g) or kilograms (kg).

Density: Density is a measure of how much mass is contained within a given volume. It is calculated by dividing the mass of an object by its volume and is typically expressed in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm^3) or kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m^3).

Volume: Volume refers to the amount of space occupied by an object and can be measured in cubic centimeters (cm^3) or cubic meters (m^3).

Material composition: Material composition refers to the elements and compounds present in a substance.

Based on this information, let's evaluate each statement:

A. They don't have the same density.
To determine if two samples have the same density, we need to compare their mass and volume. If the samples have different densities, it means that the mass divided by the volume will yield different values for each sample. Therefore, statement A can be true.

B. They have the same volume.
The statement proposes that two mineral samples with the same mass also have the same volume. This statement may or may not be true. The volume of an object is determined by its shape, which can vary between different materials. Therefore, we cannot determine if two mineral samples have the same volume solely based on their mass. So, statement B cannot be concluded as true without further information.

C. They are the same material.
The statement implies that if two samples have the same mass, they are composed of the same material. However, mass alone cannot determine the material composition. Different materials can have the same mass, so we cannot conclude whether two samples are the same material based solely on their mass. Therefore, statement C cannot be concluded as true without further information.

In conclusion, the only statement that can be considered true is:
A. They don't have the same density.