What are the nouns in the sentence whales have brains as big as watermelons.

Whales, brains, and Watermelons

Whales, brains, watermelons

To identify the nouns in the sentence "Whales have brains as big as watermelons," we need to understand what a noun is. A noun is a word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea.

In this sentence, we can identify the following nouns:

1. Whales: This noun represents a type of animal, specifically the subject of the sentence.
2. Brains: This noun represents the organ in the subject (whales) being referred to.
3. Watermelons: This noun represents a type of fruit and is used as a point of comparison for the size of the brains.

To identify nouns in a sentence, it's important to recognize the words that represent people, places, things, or ideas.