Changing sentences for complex sentences

1.The stray cat took refuge in an old cardboard box to keep warm.
2. Some students find it difficult to make the transition to a new school
3. Jesus suffered from persecution due to his religious beliefs.

I don't know what you want, you have asked no questions.

To keep warm, the stray cat took refuge..

Transition to new schools is difficult for...

His religious beliefs caused Jesus to be ..

You have to change the complete sentences to complex sentences

To change these sentences into complex sentences, we need to include additional information, give more context or express cause and effect relationships. Here are the revised complex sentences:

1. Seeking warmth, the stray cat took refuge in an old cardboard box that was left outside.
- This sentence includes additional information about the cat seeking warmth and the presence of the cardboard box.

2. Due to the challenge of adjusting to a new school, some students find it difficult to make the transition.
- This sentence explains that the difficulty is a result of the challenge of adjusting to a new school.

3. Because of his religious beliefs, Jesus suffered from persecution throughout his life.
- This sentence establishes a cause and effect relationship, indicating that the persecution was a result of his religious beliefs.