Q-How does room temp. affect student performance?

H-If the amount of room temp. increase,then........


What is your hypothesis about an increase of room temperature?

This is not a good question. If the room temperature starts at 50 F, then an increase is bound to improve student performance. If the room temperature starts at 80 F, then the opposite would probably occur.

then wats the hypothesis


To investigate how room temperature affects student performance, you can design a study using the scientific method. Here's how you can approach it:

1. Question: Formulate a clear question that addresses the relationship between room temperature and student performance. For example, "How does room temperature affect students' cognitive abilities and academic performance?"

2. Hypothesis: Next, propose a hypothesis that predicts the relationship between room temperature and student performance. Based on anecdotal evidence and previous studies, you can posit that an increase in room temperature would improve student performance.

3. Experimental Design: Design an experiment to test your hypothesis. You can divide participants into two groups: one group will work in a cooler room environment, while the other group will work in a warmer room environment. Ensure that all other variables, such as lighting, noise, and air quality, are kept constant between the groups to isolate the effect of temperature.

4. Collect Data: Measure student performance using a standardized assessment or task, such as a cognitive test or academic assignment. Record their scores or other performance indicators.

5. Analyze Data: Once you have collected the data, use appropriate statistical techniques to analyze and compare the results between the two groups. Determine if there is a significant difference in student performance based on the room temperature.

6. Conclusion: Based on the analysis of your data, draw a conclusion regarding the effect of room temperature on student performance. Your conclusion should accurately reflect the findings from your study.

It's important to note that this is a simplified scenario and conducting a controlled, well-designed scientific study would involve more complex procedures and considerations. However, by following these steps, you can systematically explore the relationship between room temperature and student performance.