Benny plays two sports. He plays soccer for 3/4 of the time and plays baseball for 30 minutes. How many more minute does he play soccer than baseball. My answer is 23 am i correct.

no,you are incorrect the correct answer is 7and a half more minutes

1-3/4=1/4 for baseball, which is 30'

Total time is 30' x 4 = 120'
So for the soccer time is 120 x 3/4 =90'
Or 120' - 30' = 90'

To find how many more minutes Benny plays soccer than baseball, we need to subtract the time he plays baseball from the time he plays soccer.

Benny plays soccer for 3/4 of the time, which we'll represent as a fraction of minutes. Let's assume he plays for "x" minutes.

So, Benny plays soccer for (3/4)x minutes.

Benny also plays baseball for 30 minutes.

To calculate how many more minutes Benny plays soccer than baseball, we subtract the baseball time from the soccer time:

(3/4)x - 30

Since the question doesn't provide the value of "x", we cannot determine the exact number of additional minutes Benny plays soccer. Therefore, we can't confirm if your answer of 23 is correct without the value of "x".