Pookie is listening to music through headphones so that no one else can hear it. When Pookie's sister walks into the room, he says, "Sissy, do you like this song?" even though she cannot hear the music. Pookie's question indicates that he engages in which kind of thinking?

A. Presymbolic

B. Egocentric

C. Transformational

D. Decentered

My answer is A.


Wouldn't it have been more efficient to read over your notes BEFORE you posted??


I disagree.

Do you understand the meanings of these terms?

I do, and I meant to say C.


I read it over my notes again, and it is B.

To determine the correct answer, let's first understand what each option means:

A. Presymbolic thinking refers to the stage of thinking where a child's thoughts are not yet represented by symbols or language.

B. Egocentric thinking refers to the tendency to only consider one's own perspective and have difficulty understanding others' viewpoints.

C. Transformational thinking refers to the ability to understand and represent transformations or changes in objects or situations.

D. Decentered thinking refers to the ability to take into account multiple perspectives and consider others' viewpoints.

Now, let's analyze the scenario: Pookie asks his sister if she likes a song even though she cannot hear the music. This suggests that Pookie is not considering his sister's inability to hear the song and is focusing solely on his own experience.

Based on this analysis, the most appropriate answer would be B. Egocentric thinking. Pookie's question shows a lack of consideration for his sister's perspective, indicating that he is primarily focusing on his own experience with the music.