Place charges and electron dots as needed on each ion. As Se Br K Ca Ga. I answered:


but i got it wrong .. sok PLEASE HELP!

See your post above.

To determine the correct charges and electron dot configuration for each ion, you need to consider the number of valence electrons that each element has. The valence electrons are the outermost electrons in an atom, which are involved in bonding.

Let's analyze each element and determine the charges and electron dot configurations:

1. As (arsenic): Arsenic is in Group 15 of the periodic table, so it has 5 valence electrons. To complete the octet, it needs to gain 3 more electrons. Therefore, the configuration is As3- with the electron dot configuration: As•••.

2. Se (selenium): Selenium is in Group 16 of the periodic table, so it has 6 valence electrons. To complete the octet, it needs to gain 2 more electrons. Therefore, the configuration is Se2- with the electron dot configuration: Se••.

3. Br (bromine): Bromine is in Group 17 of the periodic table, so it has 7 valence electrons. It only needs to gain 1 more electron to complete the octet. Therefore, the configuration is Br- with the electron dot configuration: Br•.

4. K (potassium): Potassium is in Group 1 of the periodic table, so it has 1 valence electron. It wants to lose this electron to achieve a stable configuration. Therefore, the configuration is K+ with the electron dot configuration: K+.

5. Ca (calcium): Calcium is in Group 2 of the periodic table, so it has 2 valence electrons. It wants to lose these electrons to achieve a stable configuration. Therefore, the configuration is Ca2+ with the electron dot configuration: Ca2+.

6. Ga (gallium): Gallium is in Group 13 of the periodic table, so it has 3 valence electrons. It can either lose these electrons or gain 5 more electrons to achieve a stable configuration. However, in most cases, gallium loses its 3 valence electrons to achieve a stable configuration. Therefore, the configuration is Ga3+ with the electron dot configuration: Ga3+.

So, the correct charges and electron dot configurations for the given ions would be:

As3- (As•••)
Se2- (Se••)
Br- (Br•)
K+ (K+)
Ca2+ (Ca2+)
Ga3+ (Ga3+)