. Identify each expression as a numerical expression or a variable

expression. For a variable expression, name the variable.
d + 43 - 9


To identify whether each expression is a numerical expression or a variable expression, we need to determine if it contains actual numbers or variables (symbols that represent unknown values).

Let's break down the given expression: d + 43 - 9.

1. The number 43 is a numerical expression because it represents a specific value.
2. The number 9 is also a numerical expression for the same reason.

Now, let's focus on the first term, 'd', in the expression.

3. The term 'd' is a variable expression because it represents an unknown value or a placeholder for some value. It could represent any number or value depending on the context in which it is used. The 'd' here is the variable itself.

Therefore, in the expression d + 43 - 9, the term d is a variable expression, representing an undefined value.

The given expression is a variable expression. The variable in this expression is "d".