A poster is 12 inches longer than it is wide. Find a function that models its area A in terms of its width w.

A = w(w+12)

Well, if the poster is 12 inches longer than it is wide, we can say that the length is (w + 12) inches. Now to find the area, we simply multiply the length and the width. So the function that models the area A in terms of the width w would be:

A(w) = w * (w + 12)

To find a function that models the area of the poster in terms of its width, we need to determine the length of the poster first.

Let's say the width of the poster is w inches. According to the given information, the length of the poster is 12 inches longer than its width, which means the length would be w + 12 inches.

The formula for the area of a rectangle is A = length × width. So in this case, the area of the poster is given by:

A = (w + 12) × w

Therefore, the function that models the area of the poster in terms of its width is:

A(w) = w^2 + 12w

To find a function that models the area of the poster in terms of its width, we'll start by understanding the given information.

Let's denote the width of the poster as "w" inches. According to the problem, the length of the poster is 12 inches longer than its width. So, the length would be w + 12 inches.

The formula to calculate the area of a rectangle is A = length * width. In this case, the area "A" can be expressed as the product of the length (w + 12) and the width (w):

A = (w + 12) * w

Now, we have a function that models the area of the poster in terms of its width: A = (w + 12) * w.