1. Do you think there is very much practical chemistry in today's world? Can you give any examples?

2. When you use different materials, what are they most likely to be made from: Elements, compounds, or mixtures? Which of the three is most rare.

please help... I don't get it... Thanks

Plastic, glass, metal alloys, medicines, ...

Most often, mixtures of compounds. most rare is elements.

1.If you drive a car, you're utilizing the potential energy stored in octane molecules to move your vehicle.

If you made toast this morning, you oxidized the surface of the bread.

If you watch color TV, the colors on the screen are due to electrons being excited by high-energy beams of light.

If you get hot and run the air conditioner, the air is cooled by the compression of a substance called freon.

If you use anything plastic, you're taking advantage of polymer chemistry.

If you take any medications, your life could depend on chemistry.

If you put anti-freeze in your car, you take advantage of the fact that it lowers the freezing point of water.

If you cook things in a microwave, you are taking advantage of the fact that high energy, invisible light is exciting water molecules.

If you wear synthetic fabrics, thank a chemist. -lucas c
2. mixtures of compounds. most rare is elements

Ms Rena

1. Yes, there is a significant amount of practical chemistry in today's world. Chemistry plays a crucial role in various industries and everyday life. Here are some examples:

a) Pharmaceuticals: Chemistry is essential in the development and manufacturing of medicines. Chemists study the chemical properties of drugs, design new molecules, and develop effective ways to synthesize them.

b) Energy production: Chemistry is involved in various energy production methods such as fossil fuels, nuclear power, and renewable energy. Chemists work on developing more efficient and sustainable energy sources.

c) Materials science: Chemistry is used in developing and improving materials with desired properties. For example, chemists work on developing stronger and lightweight materials for aerospace applications or flexible and durable materials for electronics.

d) Environmental protection: Chemists play a vital role in environmental monitoring and pollution control. They develop methods to analyze pollutants, study their behavior, and find ways to mitigate environmental damage.

2. Different materials can be classified into elements, compounds, or mixtures. Let's understand each term:

a) Elements: Elements are substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances through chemical means. They are the building blocks of matter and are composed of only one type of atom. Examples include hydrogen, oxygen, iron, and gold.

b) Compounds: Compounds are substances composed of two or more different elements bonded together in fixed ratios. They can be broken down into their constituent elements through chemical reactions. Examples include water (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and table salt (NaCl).

c) Mixtures: Mixtures are combinations of two or more substances that are physically mixed together but not chemically bonded. The components can be present in any proportion and can be separated through physical means. Examples include air (a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and other gases) and saltwater (a mixture of salt and water).

In terms of abundance, elements are the most rare. There are only 118 known elements in the periodic table. Compounds and mixtures, on the other hand, are more abundant and diverse as they are combinations of different elements in various ratios and configurations.

I hope this helps clarify your questions!