Vamos a... Form sentences using the following information. Use ir a + infinitive in each sentence to express what the subject is going to do. Follow the model closely.

1.Leonardo / trabajar / las tres de la tarde
-Leonardo está estudia las tres de la tarde

2. María y Dolores / ir / clase / las nueve de la mañana
-María y Dolores están clase a las neuve de la mañana

3. vosotros / llegar / a la residencia / las dos de la tarde
-Vosotros estáis llegas a la residencia las dos de la tarde.

4. yo / usar / la computadora / por la tarde

-Yo estoy uso la computadora por la tarde

5. tú / escuchar / música / por la noche
-Tú estás escuchas música por la noche

6. nosotros / hablar / con la profesora / la una

-Nosotros hablamos con la profesora la una

I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.

The instructions say to use the construction "ir + a + Infinitive" in each sentence.

I'll do one and then you try. Look at the subject to know which form of "ir" to use: voy, vas, va, vamos, vais, van

Yo / usar / la computadora por la tarde. (#4)

Yo voy a usar la computadora por la tarde.

I'll be back to check what you do.


As SraJMcGin said "ir" is the verb, then as you wrote in the beginning "vamos", notice that "vamos" is the plural of the first person of the verb "ir" (present tense), this is the key.

1 yo voy
2 tu vas
3 él/ella va
4 nosotros vamos
5 ellos/ellas van

In the example yo /usar/ la computadora por la tarde. First notice that "yo" is the first person then you will use "voy".

Please rewrite the entire sentence so we are positive you are following the directions. Language is about PATTERNS and this is a 3-part one:

a form of "ir" to agree with the subject given + a + infinitive.

I did NOT want to do them for you. I wanted you to follow the model of #4 that I did do.


Excellent job on forming sentences using the given information! However, there is a small mistake in sentence 1.

To accurately express what Leonardo is going to do, you should use the phrase "ir a + infinitive."

The correct sentence would be:

1. Leonardo va a trabajar a las tres de la tarde.

To form a sentence using "ir a + infinitive," you need to conjugate the verb "ir" (meaning "to go") according to the subject, and then add the preposition "a" followed by the infinitive form of the verb that describes the action the subject is going to do. In this case, since Leonardo is the subject and he is going to work, the correct sentence is "Leonardo va a trabajar a las tres de la tarde."