Answer the following

____ stories seemed unbelievable.

A. Survivors
B. Survivor's
C. Survivors'
D. Survivors's

We've answered two of your questions. Now it's your turn. I'll be glad to check your answer.

Is the answer C?

It's A. Your Welcome :D

C is correct.

Angelina -- the answer is not A!

Oh sorry Ms. Sue :(

The correct answer is A. Survivors.

To determine the right choice, we need to look at the noun "stories" and its relationship to the word "survivors." In this case, "survivors" is used as an adjective to describe the type of stories. The noun "stories" should remain in its plural form.

Option A, "Survivors," is the only choice that fits this description. Option B, "Survivor's," implies that there is only one survivor, which is not accurate based on the plural noun "stories." Option C, "Survivors'," suggests possession, but there is no indication in the sentence that the stories belong to the survivors. Finally, Option D, "Survivors's," is grammatically incorrect, as the possessive form of a plural noun only requires an apostrophe after the final "s."