how many minivans (15 minivans) would pass susan if 60 vehicles passed her

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To determine how many minivans would pass Susan if 60 vehicles pass her, we need to know the proportion of minivans within those 60 vehicles.

Let's say we know that 30 out of the 60 vehicles are minivans.

To find out how many minivans would pass Susan if 60 vehicles pass her, we can set up a proportion using ratios.

First, let's establish the ratio of minivans to total vehicles in this scenario:
(Number of minivans passing Susan) : (Total number of vehicles passing Susan) = (Number of minivans) : (Total number of vehicles)

We can plug in the given values:
(Number of minivans passing Susan) : (60) = (30) : (60)

Now, we can solve for the unknown, which is the number of minivans passing Susan.

To do this, we cross-multiply and then divide:
(Number of minivans passing Susan) * (60) = (30) * (60)

The product of the cross-multiplication gives us:
(Number of minivans passing Susan) * (60) = 1800

Finally, we divide both sides of the equation by 60 to solve for the unknown:
(Number of minivans passing Susan) = 1800 / 60

Calculating the division, we find that 30 minivans would pass Susan if 60 vehicles pass her.