nearest degree to an obtuse angle

If it is over 90º, it is obtuse.

An obtuse angle is any angle that measures greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees. The nearest whole number degree to an obtuse angle would be 180 degrees.

To find the nearest degree to an obtuse angle, you first need to understand what an obtuse angle is. An obtuse angle is any angle that measures greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees.

To find the nearest degree to an obtuse angle, you have two options:

1. Manual Calculation: If you know the exact measurement of the obtuse angle, you can round it to the nearest degree by following these steps:
- If the angle measures less than halfway between two consecutive degrees, round down to the lower degree.
- If the angle measures greater than halfway between two consecutive degrees, round up to the higher degree.

For example, if you have an obtuse angle measuring 130.7 degrees, it is closer to 131 degrees since it is closer to the higher degree.

2. Using a Calculator: If you have a calculator, you can simply type in the measurement of the obtuse angle, and the calculator will give you the rounded value to the nearest degree.

Remember, an obtuse angle will always be greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees.