A particular oral contraceptive contains 0.041 mg of ethinyl estradiol in each pill. The formula of this compound is C20H24O2. How many moles of ethinyl estradiol are there in one pill?

I need help in approaching this

(1) Convert 0.041 milligrams to grams (divide by 1000)

(2) Find the formula mass of C20H24O2 to get the grams per mole.
(3) Divide the answer to step #1 by the grams/mole

The other two parts are:

1) How many carbon atoms are there in one of these pills (due to the presence of ethinyl estradiol)?

2What mass of carbon is this? (Enter the answer in grams.)


To find the number of moles of ethinyl estradiol in one pill, we first need to convert the mass of ethinyl estradiol into moles using the formula weight.

The formula weight of ethinyl estradiol (C20H24O2) can be calculated by summing the atomic weights of all the elements in the molecule.

Here is the calculation:

(20 * atomic weight of carbon) + (24 * atomic weight of hydrogen) + (2 * atomic weight of oxygen)

= (20 * 12.01 g/mol) + (24 * 1.01 g/mol) + (2 * 16.00 g/mol)

= 240.2 g/mol + 24.24 g/mol + 32.00 g/mol

= 296.44 g/mol

Now, let's calculate the number of moles of ethinyl estradiol in one pill:

Mass of ethinyl estradiol in one pill = 0.041 mg

We need to convert the mass to grams for consistency:

0.041 mg = 0.041 * 10^(-3) g = 4.1 * 10^(-5) g

Now, we can use the formula:

Number of moles = Mass (in grams) / Formula weight

Number of moles = 4.1 * 10^(-5) g / 296.44 g/mol

Number of moles ≈ 1.38 * 10^(-7) mol

Therefore, there are approximately 1.38 * 10^(-7) moles of ethinyl estradiol in one pill.