how many days would it take to drive from the earth to the moon at a speed of 75 miles per hour? the average distance from the earth to the moon is 380,000km. 1 km=0.62 miles

To calculate the number of days it would take to drive from Earth to the Moon, we need to convert the average distance from the Earth to the Moon into miles.

Given that 1 km is equal to 0.62 miles, we can multiply the average distance of 380,000 km by 0.62 to get the distance in miles:

380,000 km * 0.62 miles/km = 235,600 miles

Now, we can divide the distance by the speed of 75 miles per hour to determine the time it would take to travel from Earth to the Moon:

235,600 miles / 75 miles/hour = 3,141.33 hours

To convert this into days, we divide the total hours by 24 (since there are 24 hours in a day):

3,141.33 hours / 24 hours/day ≈ 130.89 days

Therefore, it would take approximately 130.89 days to drive from Earth to the Moon at a speed of 75 miles per hour.