
Do you mean 8x^4 = 8 time x to the fourth power or 8*4 = 8 times 4? Whichever it is, add 21 to it.

To simplify the expression 3(12-5)+8x4, we need to follow the order of operations or PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, Addition and Subtraction from left to right).

First, let's simplify the expression inside the parentheses:
12 - 5 = 7

Now we substitute this result back into the expression:
3(7) + 8x4

Next, we perform the multiplication:
3(7) = 21
8 x 4 = 32

Finally, we add the two results together:
21 + 32 = 53

Therefore, the value of the expression 3(12-5)+8x4 is 53.