4. Point E is located at (–2, 2) and point F is located at (4, –6). What is the distance between points E and F?

a. square root of 52
b. square root of 28
c. 10
d. square root of 20

5. In which quadrant is the point (x, y) located if x is negative and y is positive?

a. II
b. III
c. IV
d. I

6. Point A(8, –10) is reflected over the y-axis. Write the coordinates of A'.

a. (–8, –10)
b. (8, 10)
c. (8, –10)
d. (–8, 10)

Sorry -- but my math skills don't extend this far.

help me plz

4. The distance is ((y2-y1)^2 + x2-x1)^2)^.5

plugging the numbers in:

((-6-2)^2 + (4 +2)^2)^.5 =

square root of (64 + 36)

a. square root of 52
Just type in 52 ^ 0.5 into your calculator

imagine your axes are centered on a clock. The first quadrant (quarter on a clock) is x positive, y positive
2nd quadrant x positive, y negative
3rd quadrant x negative, y negative
4th quadrant x negative, y positive

6. When a point is reflected over the y-axis, the value of the x coordinate is multiplied by a negative 1, and the value of the the y coordinate stays the same


Elena are u sure they are right

which one of them are right

4. Don't know how Jennifer got 64+36 = 52

used to be 100 when I went to school
4. c

5. a

6. a

Elena is right, her answers agree with mine

4. To find the distance between points E and F, we can use the distance formula. The distance formula is derived from the Pythagorean theorem and can be expressed as:

d = sqrt((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)

where (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are the coordinates of the two points.

In this case, the coordinates of point E are (-2, 2) and the coordinates of point F are (4, -6). Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

d = sqrt((4 - (-2))^2 + (-6 - 2)^2)
= sqrt((6)^2 + (-8)^2)
= sqrt(36 + 64)
= sqrt(100)
= 10

Therefore, the distance between points E and F is 10 units. The correct answer is option c) 10.

5. The point (x, y) is located in different quadrants of the Cartesian coordinate system based on the signs of the x-coordinates and y-coordinates. If x is negative and y is positive, it means that the x-coordinate is to the left of the origin (negative) and the y-coordinate is above the origin (positive).

Based on this information, the point (x, y) is located in the second quadrant (quadrant II) of the Cartesian coordinate system. In quadrant II, the x-coordinates are negative, and the y-coordinates are positive. Therefore, the correct answer is option a) II.

6. To reflect a point over the y-axis, we need to change the sign of its x-coordinate while keeping the y-coordinate the same.

In this case, the coordinates of point A are (8, -10). When we reflect the point over the y-axis, the x-coordinate becomes its opposite, and the y-coordinate remains the same.

Therefore, the coordinates of A' (the reflected point) are (-8, -10). The correct answer is option a) (-8, -10).

4. d=sqrt[(2+6)² +(2+4)²]=10

c. 10

5. a. II

6. a. (–8, –10)