a shirt is on sale for 15% off. what fraction represents the savings? ...is it 3/20th?


A shirt is marked 15%off and the sale price is $32.30.What was the original price?

Round the answer to the nearest cent, if necessary.
Original price: $

To calculate the fraction that represents the savings, you need to convert the percentage into a fraction.

To start, you can convert 15% to a decimal by dividing it by 100: 15 รท 100 = 0.15.

Next, you can express this decimal as a fraction. The decimal 0.15 can be written as 15/100.

However, to find the fraction that represents the savings, you need to simplify this fraction. Both 15 and 100 can be divided by 5, yielding 3/20.

So, your calculation is correct. The savings, represented as a fraction, is 3/20.