Calculate the distance (in ) that Larry runs if he maintains an average speed of 8.9 for 1 hour.

Your question is missing some units 8.9 what? 8.9 miles per hour? 8.9 feet per second?

To find the distance in inches that Larry runs you multiply average speed * time, but you first might have to do some conversions to make sure units are compatible.

For example if Larry's average speed is 8.9 ft/s, you need to convert 1 hr to seconds, then convert the distance in feet to inches

To calculate the distance that Larry runs, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed * Time

In this case, Larry maintains an average speed of 8.9 for 1 hour. So, we can substitute the values into the formula:

Distance = 8.9 * 1

Therefore, the distance Larry runs is:

Distance = 8.9 miles