Josh Lozier's football pants were to long, so they had to be altered. Is this a run on sentence?

No, it's not a run on sentence, but it does have a spelling error.

What is the spelling error

were TOO long,

Thanks I should of caught that!,

You're welcome. :-)

To determine whether a sentence is a run-on sentence, we need to check if it contains more than one independent clause without proper punctuation or conjunctions. An independent clause is a group of words that can stand alone as a sentence.

Let's analyze the given sentence:

"Josh Lozier's football pants were too long, so they had to be altered."

This sentence contains two independent clauses: "Josh Lozier's football pants were too long" and "so they had to be altered." However, these clauses are connected by the coordinating conjunction "so," which helps to join the ideas together. Therefore, this sentence is not a run-on sentence since it has proper punctuation and conjunctions.

In conclusion, the given sentence is not a run-on sentence.