which locations have the greatest number of hours of daylight on june 21? the fewest hours of daylight?

North Pole, South pole

On June 21, the regions near the Arctic have 24 hours of daylight.

Which areas do you think have the least daylight on June 21?


extra credit:

a bear walks south 1 mile, east 1 mile, and north 1 mile, and ends up at the starting point.

What color is the bear?

Place the locations in order from least to most daylight hours on January 1.

To find the locations with the greatest and fewest number of hours of daylight on June 21, you will need to identify the locations that experience the summer solstice on this date. The summer solstice marks the longest day and shortest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Here's how you can determine these locations:

1. Understand the concept: The number of daylight hours on June 21 is influenced by a location's latitude. The closer a location is to the North Pole, the more sunlight it receives on this day. Conversely, locations closer to the South Pole will have fewer daylight hours.

2. Access a reliable source: You can use an online source that provides daylight information, such as an astronomical calculator or a website that offers sunrise and sunset times for different locations.

3. Determine the latitude: Look up the latitude of various locations using reliable sources like maps or online resource sites. You need to find the latitudes of different places to identify their positions relative to the North and South Poles.

4. Compare daylight hours: Once you have the latitudes of different locations, compare them to see which ones are closer to the North Pole and which are closer to the South Pole. Locations with higher latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere will experience more hours of daylight on June 21, while locations with lower latitudes will experience fewer hours.

5. Find the greatest number of hours: Identify the locations that are situated close to the Arctic Circle or within the Arctic Circle. These places will have the greatest number of daylight hours on June 21. Some locations that are known to experience extended periods of daylight on this date are Reykjavik in Iceland, Anchorage in Alaska (USA), and Tromso in Norway.

6. Find the fewest number of hours: Identify locations that are situated close to the Antarctic Circle or within the Antarctic Circle. These places will have the fewest daylight hours on June 21. Some examples of locations that experience shorter daylight periods on this date are Ushuaia in Argentina, Punta Arenas in Chile, and Hobart in Australia.

Remember, the exact number of daylight hours may vary depending on factors like local topography and weather conditions, but the general trend based on latitude will hold true.