1. Describe a SPECIFIC EXAMPLE of how increased temperature can change cellular processes.

2. What FACTORS (can be properties of animals or the environment) determine how wide a range of temperatures a species can tolerate? Be as comprehensive as you can.

1. A specific example of how increased temperature can change cellular processes is seen in heat shock proteins. These proteins are produced by cells in response to stress, such as high temperatures. When cells are exposed to increased temperature, they undergo a process called heat shock response, in which they produce a family of proteins known as heat shock proteins (HSPs).

HSPs play a crucial role in maintaining cellular homeostasis and preventing damage. They assist in protein folding, transport, and degradation, and they play a protective role by refolding denatured proteins or targeting damaged proteins for degradation.

In response to increased temperature, the production of heat shock proteins is upregulated. This helps in preventing protein misfolding and aggregation, which can disrupt normal cellular processes. By increasing the production of heat shock proteins, cells can better manage the stress caused by increased temperature and counteract potential adverse effects on cellular processes.

2. Several factors determine the range of temperatures a species can tolerate, and these factors can be related to the properties of the organisms themselves as well as their environment. Here are some of the key factors:

a) Genetic Adaptation: Species can evolve genetic adaptations that allow them to tolerate a wider range of temperatures. These adaptations may involve changes in the structure and function of proteins, enzymes, and other cellular components to facilitate survival at extreme temperatures.

b) Metabolic Rate: The metabolic rate of an organism can affect its thermal tolerance. Organisms with higher metabolic rates generally have a lower thermal tolerance range since increased metabolic activity generates more heat, making them more susceptible to heat stress.

c) Heat Shock Proteins: The presence and efficiency of heat shock proteins in an organism's cells can influence its thermal tolerance. These proteins help protect cells from damage caused by high temperatures, and their effectiveness varies among different species.

d) Water Availability: Water plays a crucial role in temperature regulation, as it can act as a coolant. Organisms living in aquatic environments generally have a wider temperature tolerance range compared to those in terrestrial environments, as water serves as a buffer against rapid temperature changes.

e) Climate and Geographical Range: The climate of an organism's habitat can significantly impact its temperature tolerance. Species living in regions with more extreme climates, such as deserts or polar regions, tend to have greater temperature tolerance due to their adaptation to these challenging conditions.

f) Behavioral Adaptations: Some organisms can exhibit behavioral adaptations to cope with temperature variations. For example, seeking shade, burrowing underground, or changing activity patterns can help regulate body temperature and expand their thermal tolerance.

g) Acclimatization and Acclimation: Certain species have the ability to acclimatize or acclimate to changing temperatures over time. Acclimatization refers to physiological adjustments that occur within an individual's lifetime, while acclimation refers to adaptations that occur across different generations. These processes allow organisms to gradually adjust their tolerance to varying temperatures.

It's important to note that these factors work in combination, and the temperature range a species can tolerate is often a result of multiple interacting variables. Additionally, the specific temperature ranges that species can tolerate can vary widely depending on their evolutionary history, ecological niche, and other ecological factors.