I need help on these two questions because i have no clue what to say....

What caused the rise of the feudal system in Japan?

More than 100 years after Akbar's death, the Mughal Empire began to fall apart. What were two of the reasons that caused this to happen?





yall give the wrong answers i got a 25% bc of u jiskah..:(

first one is shogun

i got all right u go to connexus

You are to use your own studying on tests. You are breaking the Honor Code.

Says the one that is one here

Let me know how you do


No problem, Delilah! I'm here to help you understand and answer your questions. Let's break them down one by one:

1. What caused the rise of the feudal system in Japan?

To answer this question, we need to understand the historical context of Japan. The feudal system in Japan emerged during the Heian period (794-1185). Here's how you can approach this question:

- Begin with a brief explanation of the Heian period and mention that Japan was divided into numerous territories controlled by powerful families and clans.
- Highlight the decline of the centralized government during this period, which led to power struggles and conflicts.
- Explain that as a result of these struggles, powerful local military leaders known as shoguns rose to prominence. These shoguns exercised power and control over their respective territories.
- Emphasize that the feudal system was founded on the principle of granting land and resources in exchange for military service and loyalty. This system allowed the shoguns to maintain control over their territories.

By following this approach, you will be able to provide a comprehensive explanation of the rise of the feudal system in Japan.

2. More than 100 years after Akbar's death, the Mughal Empire began to fall apart. What were two of the reasons that caused this to happen?

To answer this question, you need to consider the factors that led to the decline of the Mughal Empire. Here's a step-by-step approach:

- Start with a brief introduction of the Mughal Empire, mentioning its peak during the reign of Akbar, a prominent Mughal emperor.
- Identify and explain one major reason for the decline of the empire. For example, you can focus on the weakening of central authority and the subsequent power struggles among the Mughal nobility. These conflicts weakened the empire's governance and led to regional fragmentation.
- Discuss another reason by highlighting the economic challenges faced by the empire. Factors such as inadequate tax collection, economic disparity, and the effects of external trade competition contributed to the empire's decline.

By addressing these two factors, you will be able to provide a well-rounded answer explaining the causes of the Mughal Empire's decline.

Remember, these explanations are just suggestions, and you can tailor them based on your knowledge and understanding of the topics. Good luck with your answers!