does the density of an element have anything to do with the number of elections?

i have to work with a partner and his reasoning is this:

"the higher the atomic number, the greater the density because the atomic number is made up of protons so the more protons there are, the closer the electrons are attracted forming a more denser atom"

whereas my reasoning is this:

if I were to give a relationship between density of an element and atomic number, I'd talk about the density equation D = m/v and talk about how the greater the atomic number is, the more protons you'd have, resulting in a higher atomic mass. then I'd compare each element 1 mol and go from there.

Please tell me is my reasoning not correct? Or perhaps my partner is not correct? or perhaps we are both incorrect?

thank you.

i think your partner is right as density is directly proportional yo yhe mass,which is given by no. of protons.more the protons more is the nuclear effective charge, which attracts the electorns towards the nucleus and make a denser atom.

My take on this is that both arguments have merit, and to a large degree, will prove to be right, but I think your partner elucidated his/her argument better. Yours is not complete. However, I think neither argument takes into account the crystal structure. It's how those atoms, big or small, are packed together that determines the volume.If you look up the densities you and your friend will see that generally density increases with increasing atomic number. However, Na is 0.97 g/cc while K is 0.86 g/cc.

Be is 1.8, Mg is 1.7, Ca is 1.5 etc.

Both you and your partner have provided some valid points, but there are a few clarifications to be made.

Your partner's reasoning suggests that the density of an element increases with the atomic number due to the attraction between protons and electrons. While it is true that protons in the nucleus attract electrons, resulting in a more compact arrangement of electrons, this is not the primary factor that determines density.

Your reasoning involves the correct equation for density, which is D = m/v (density equals mass divided by volume). You also acknowledge that a higher atomic number corresponds to a higher atomic mass, but you haven't fully explained how atomic mass relates to density.

To understand the relationship between density and atomic mass, you need to consider the arrangement of atoms in a given volume. When comparing elements at the same temperature and pressure, one mole of any substance contains an equal number of atoms or molecules. Therefore, when considering density, you can compare the mass of one mole of different elements with the same volume.

The molar mass of an element is equal to the atomic mass, expressed in grams, for one mole of atoms. So, if you compare the molar mass of two elements, the element with a higher atomic number will generally have a higher molar mass. This means that for an equal volume, the element with a higher atomic number will have a greater mass, resulting in a higher density.

In summary, while your partner's explanation about the attraction between protons and electrons contributing to denser atoms is somewhat correct, it is not the main determinant of density. Your reasoning involving the density equation and comparing the molar mass of elements provides a more accurate understanding of the relationship between atomic number and density.