Hello! I live in Mexico, and I have a couple of questions I asked on Y answers, both English and Spanish, and have gotten no reply, and I need to turn this in for my bimonthly exam in physics this Monday. I need to calculate the volume and surface area of two of the pyramids at Xochicalco, but I have several problems here:

-I don't know their measurements and can't find them on Google.
-I don't know if the base counts as part of a building's surface, since it is stuck to the ground.
-I don't know if they count as pyramids since they are not shaped like triangular prisms.
Please help me, this is for my bimonthly physics exam. Just don't do it for me! I want to be able to honestly take credit for my homework.
Thank you in advance!

Probablemente, si vives en la ciudad de México, encuentres un estudio en la biblioteca de la ENAH o con alguno de los especialistas de esta escuela. Ahora bien, respecto de las otras preguntas creo que obviar que no es un prisma completamente regular y tomarla como tal es una aproximació válida, es común tomarlo así pero hacer patente este hecho, para un cálculo simplificado.

Si, vivo en la Ciudad de Mexico, pero no puedo salir... :( Hay algun sitio de Internet al cual pueda ir y ver?


El sitio de "Arqueología Mexicana" de editorial raices tendrá seguramente un número dedicado a este importante sitio.

El u r l es arqueomex con el punto com (no me permite enviar direcciones por eso lo apunto así)
Buscaré en mi biblioteca a ver si encuentro este dato, desgraciadamente casi todos mis libros son sobre los mayas. Y en el caso específico de Xochicalco, por lo que observo, será difícil encontrar algo tan específico pues caso todos ellos son generales.

Aunque no tuve tiempor de leer este texto de envio la direccion del sitio de google books: la doble diagonal+books+diagonal+google+punto+com+mx+diagonal y todo lo que sigue books?id=l6vsi4H9xzIC&pg=PA24&lpg=PA23&hl=es#v=onepage&q&f=false

Hello G! I'm here to help you with your questions on calculating the volume and surface area of the pyramids at Xochicalco. Let's break down your problems one by one:

1. Finding the measurements: If you couldn't find the measurements of the pyramids on Google, you can try alternate sources such as books or academic papers on Xochicalco. You may also consider reaching out to local experts or historians who might have the required data. It's crucial to have the measurements to accurately calculate the volume and surface area.

2. Base inclusion in surface area: In the context of calculating the surface area of a pyramid, it's important to note that the base is not considered part of the lateral surface area. Typically, when calculating surface area, we only calculate the sum of the areas of the lateral faces and exclude the base. However, for the volume calculation, the base is included.

3. Shape of the pyramids: If the pyramids at Xochicalco are not shaped like triangular prisms, they may have different types of bases or variations in their structure. In such cases, you'll have to adapt the appropriate formulas accordingly. It's essential to know the shape of the base and any additional information to calculate the volume and surface area accurately.

Now, since you don't have access to the measurements or detailed information, it is challenging to provide an exact solution. However, I can guide you through the standard formulas used to calculate the volume and surface area of a pyramid. You can then apply these formulas once you gather the necessary measurements.

The volume of a pyramid can be calculated using the formula:
Volume = (1/3) * base area * height

The surface area of a pyramid involves the calculation of the base area and the lateral surface area. The formula for surface area is:
Surface Area = base area + lateral surface area

To find the lateral surface area, you can use the formula:
Lateral Surface Area = (1/2) * perimeter of base * slant height

Please note that the formulas provided here are generalized for calculating the volume and surface area of pyramids. The specific measurements and shape of the pyramids at Xochicalco will determine the actual values you need.

Remember, it's crucial to acquire accurate measurements in order to find the correct volume and surface area of the pyramids at Xochicalco. Good luck with your physics exam, and I hope this guidance helps you to complete your homework successfully!