what is a word that you don't choose when making a choice?


CORRECT!!!! Somehow... i never thought of that word!!!

thank u!

LOL!! It was a pure guess! And you're welcome.

When making a choice, there is typically no specific word that you avoid selecting. The word you choose depends on the context and what you are trying to convey. The process of making a decision involves considering various options and ultimately selecting the one that aligns with your preferences, needs, or objectives.

However, if you are referring to a situation where you are looking for a word that represents not making a choice, you could consider using words like "indecision," "abstention," "undecided," or "neutrality." These words convey the idea of not choosing or remaining undecided in a particular situation.

It's important to note that the specific word you choose depends on the precise context in which you want to use it.