The perimeter of a square is f feet. How long in yards is each side of the square?


each side is f/4 feet = f/12 yards

To find the length of each side of the square in yards, we need to convert the given perimeter from feet to yards.

The formula to convert feet to yards is: 1 yard = 3 feet.

We know that the perimeter of the square is equal to the sum of all its sides, and since a square has four equal sides, we can divide the perimeter by 4 to get the length of each side.

Let's follow these steps to find the length of each side in yards:

Step 1: Convert the perimeter from feet to yards.
To convert from feet to yards, divide the perimeter by 3 since there are 3 feet in 1 yard.

Perimeter in yards = Perimeter in feet / 3

Step 2: Divide the perimeter in yards by 4 to get the length of each side.
Since a square has four equal sides, dividing the perimeter in yards by 4 will give us the length of each side in yards.

Side length in yards = Perimeter in yards / 4

Combining these steps, we can determine the length of each side of the square in yards.