2. If the library has The Lord of the Rings, you won’t find it on the first floor. This is because all fantasy novels are fiction and all works of fiction are housed on the second floor of the library. Of course, I am assuming that all the books are properly shelved at this time.


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Based on the given information, if the library has The Lord of the Rings, you won't find it on the first floor. This is because all fantasy novels are considered works of fiction, and all works of fiction are housed on the second floor of the library.

To find The Lord of the Rings, you would need to go to the second floor of the library, where all works of fiction are located. This assumes that all the books are properly shelved at the time, meaning they are organized according to their respective genres.

Keep in mind that this explanation assumes there are no additional factors or exceptions in the library's organization system. It's always a good idea to double-check with library staff or consult the library's catalog or organizational system to ensure you are searching in the correct location.