what is the cube root of 9,261?


thank you and one more question, what is a trick i can apply when i am asked to find the cube root of something? i am taking a test on friday and i want to know so i can get a good grade on it.

If you can't use a calculator or Google, study this site.


um thanks

You're welcome.

To find the cube root of 9,261, we can take advantage of calculator functions or mathematical operations on a computer or smartphone.

Option 1: Using a Calculator
1. Open the calculator on your device.
2. Type in the number 9,261.
3. Look for the button that indicates "cube root" or "∛" on your calculator.
4. Press the "cube root" button.
5. The result displayed on the calculator will be the cube root of 9,261.

Option 2: Using Mathematical Operations
The cube root of a number can also be obtained by raising the number to the power of 1/3.
1. Start with the number 9,261.
2. Raise the number to the power of 1/3, which is equivalent to finding the cube root.
- If using a calculator or computer, type "9,261^(1/3)" into the search bar or calculator application.
- If using a spreadsheet program like Excel or Google Sheets, type "=POWER(9261, 1/3)" into a cell and press Enter.
3. The result should be approximately 21.