did you mean

(3y-8)/12 = y/5 ??? , if so then

15y-40 = 12y
3y = 40
y = 40/3

To solve the proportion 3y - 8/12 = y/5, we can cross multiply.

First, let's simplify the equation by multiplying both sides by 12 to clear the fraction.

12 * (3y - 8/12) = 12 * (y/5)

Simplifying further:

3y - 8 = 12y/5

Now, multiply both sides of the equation by 5 to eliminate the fraction.

5 * (3y - 8) = 5 * (12y/5)

Simplifying again:

15y - 40 = 12y

Now, let's isolate the term with y on one side of the equation. We can do this by subtracting 12y from both sides:

15y - 12y - 40 = 12y - 12y


3y - 40 = 0

Next, add 40 to both sides of the equation to isolate the term with y:

3y - 40 + 40 = 0 + 40


3y = 40

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 3 to solve for y:

(3y)/3 = 40/3

The final solution is:

y = 40/3, which can also be written as y = 13 1/3.

To solve the proportion 3Y - 8/12 = Y/5, we can start by getting rid of the fractions. To do this, we can find a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 60, because it is divisible by both 12 and 5.

Multiplying the entire equation by 60, we get:

60 * (3Y - 8/12) = 60 * (Y/5)

Simplifying both sides gives:

60 * 3Y - 60 * (8/12) = 60 * (Y/5)

180Y - 40 = 12Y

Now, let's isolate the variable Y by moving all the terms containing Y to one side of the equation:

180Y - 12Y = 40

Combining like terms on the left side gives:

168Y = 40

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 168 to solve for Y:

Y = 40/168

Simplifying the fraction to its lowest terms, we get:

Y = 5/21

Therefore, the value of Y that solves the proportion 3Y - 8/12 = Y/5 is Y = 5/21.

Well, solving this proportion requires some serious math. Are you ready for a circus of numbers? Let's have some fun!

First, let's simplify the equation. We can simplify -8/12 by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 4, resulting in -2/3.

So now we have:

3y - 2/3 = y/5

To get rid of the fractions, we can multiply everything by 15 to clear the denominators.

We get:

45y - 10 = 3y

Now let's gather all the "y" terms on one side and the constant terms on the other side.

45y - 3y = 10

Simplifying, we have:

42y = 10

To find the value of y, we'll divide both sides by 42:

y = 10/42

And that's our solution! Simplifying the fraction, we get:

y = 5/21

So, my friend, the value of y in this proportion is equal to 5/21. Ta-da!