What phrase is used to describe a rhombus?

a parallelogram with four congruent angles

a parallelogram with four congruent sides

a rectangle with four congruent sides

a quadrilateral with no congruent sides




The correct answer to describe a rhombus is B. a parallelogram with four congruent sides.

To understand why, let's break down the options:

A. A parallelogram with four congruent angles: This is not true for a rhombus. While a rhombus does have opposite angles that are congruent, the other pair of opposite angles are not congruent in general. So, this option is incorrect.

B. A parallelogram with four congruent sides: This is the correct description of a rhombus. A rhombus is a special type of parallelogram where all four sides are congruent. Therefore, this is the right choice.

C. A rectangle with four congruent sides: This is not accurate. A rectangle is a parallelogram with four right angles, but not all rectangles have congruent sides. So, this option is incorrect.

D. A quadrilateral with no congruent sides: This is also not true for a rhombus. In a rhombus, all four sides are congruent. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

In conclusion, a rhombus is best described as a parallelogram with four congruent sides, making option B the correct answer.