Find the unit rate in qt/day: 20 fl oz/min

20 oz/min * 60 min/hr *24 hr/d * 1 qt/32 oz = 900 qt/day

To find the unit rate, we need to convert the given measurements to the same units. In this case, we need to convert fluid ounces (fl oz) to quarts (qt) and minutes to days.

To convert fluid ounces to quarts, we know that:

1 qt = 32 fl oz

So, we can divide 20 fl oz by 32 fl oz/qt to get the number of quarts:

20 fl oz / 32 fl oz/qt = 0.625 qt

To convert minutes to days, we know that:

1 day = 24 hours
1 hour = 60 minutes

So, we can divide the number of minutes by the product of 24 hours/day and 60 minutes/hour:

20 min / (24 hr/day * 60 min/hr) = 0.01389 days

Now that we have both measurements in the same unit, we can calculate the unit rate by dividing the number of quarts by the number of days:

0.625 qt / 0.01389 days = 45 qt/day

Therefore, the unit rate is 45 qt/day.