What is the general formula for energy?When asked to write formula for energy in general without specifying kinetic or potential or work can we write eienstien's e=mc2 formula?

The general formula for energy can be seen as the sum of kinetic energy (KE) and potential energy (PE). However, it's important to note that energy can take on various forms, such as thermal energy, electromagnetic energy, etc. In some cases, the specific form of energy may require a different formula.

Regarding Einstein's famous equation, E=mc^2, it represents the relationship between energy (E), mass (m), and the speed of light (c). This equation specifically deals with the concept of mass-energy equivalence, indicating that energy and mass are interchangeable. While E=mc^2 is a well-known formula and is a fundamental concept in physics, it describes a specific scenario where particles have rest mass, such as in nuclear reactions.

If you wish to express energy in a more general sense, not limited to a specific context like mass-energy equivalence, it is commonly represented by the sum of kinetic and potential energy, rather than E=mc^2.