$16 added to an amount of money saved,s, then spent equally on 3 items

what does the expression mean?

(16 + s)/3

the same number of birds, b, sitting on three different wires, then 9 birds fly off

The expression "$16 added to an amount of money saved, s, then spent equally on 3 items" describes a sequence of actions related to money.

First, an amount of money saved, represented by the variable "s," is increased by adding $16. This means that the original amount of money saved is now augmented by $16.

Then, the total amount of money obtained by the addition is spent equally on 3 items. This means that the money is divided equally among the 3 items, therefore each item receives an equal share of the total money.

In summary, the expression reflects the process of saving a certain amount of money, adding $16 to it, and then dividing the resulting total equally among 3 items for spending purposes.