Which of the following is not true of the meta-analytic findings of research therapy

with children?
A. Changes achieved by children receiving treatment are greater than those for
children not receiving treatment.
B. Treatment effects are larger for problems that are specifically targeted than they
are for nonspecific areas of functioning.
C. Treatments have been shown to be more effective for internalizing that for
externalizing disorders.
D. Treatment effects tend to be lasting.


To determine which of the options is not true of the meta-analytic findings of research therapy with children, you can review the research conducted in this field. Meta-analysis involves analyzing and synthesizing multiple studies to establish general conclusions.

To get the most accurate information, you can search for systematic reviews or meta-analyses of research therapy with children. These reviews typically compile and analyze multiple studies to determine overall trends and patterns in the field. Online databases, such as PubMed or PsycINFO, are good resources to find relevant articles.

Once you have located a systematic review or meta-analysis that specifically examines research therapy with children, you can look for the findings related to each option presented in the question:

A. Changes achieved by children receiving treatment are greater than those for children not receiving treatment.
- Look for evidence indicating that children who receive therapy experience more significant changes compared to children who do not receive any treatment.

B. Treatment effects are larger for problems that are specifically targeted than they are for nonspecific areas of functioning.
- Look for evidence suggesting that therapy is more effective in addressing specific problems rather than general areas of functioning.

C. Treatments have been shown to be more effective for internalizing than for externalizing disorders.
- Look for evidence supporting the notion that therapy is more effective in treating disorders characterized by internalizing symptoms (e.g., anxiety, depression) compared to disorders characterized by externalizing symptoms (e.g., conduct disorder, aggression).

D. Treatment effects tend to be lasting.
- Look for evidence indicating that the effects of therapy are durable and continue to have a positive impact beyond the end of the treatment period.

By reviewing the relevant literature and examining the findings related to each statement, you should be able to determine which option is not supported by the meta-analytic findings.