you have 15 coins, nickels and dimes. d=the number of dimes. write a simplified expression in terms of d for the total amount cents that you have. show work and explain

To find the total amount of cents you have, you need to know the value of each coin and the number of each coin you have.

The value of a dime is 10 cents, and the value of a nickel is 5 cents.

Let's say we have 'd' dimes.

The total value of the dimes would be 10*d cents, as each dime is worth 10 cents.

We also have nickels, but we don't know the exact number of nickels, so let's represent it as 'n'.

The total value of the nickels would be 5*n cents, as each nickel is worth 5 cents.

Now, we need to add the total values of dimes and nickels together to find the total amount of cents.

So, the expression in terms of 'd' for the total amount of cents would be:

10d + 5n

This expression represents the total value of dimes and nickels, where 'd' represents the number of dimes and 'n' represents the number of nickels.

To get the actual total amount of cents, you will need to know the values of 'd' and 'n' and substitute them into the expression.