you have 15 coins,mickels and dimes. d= the number of dimes. write a simplified expression in terms of d for the total amount cents that you have. show work and explain

i mean nickels

6 nickles 6 dimes

To calculate the total amount in cents using the number of dimes (d) and nickels, you need to consider the values of each coin.

Let's start by understanding the values of a dime and a nickel:

- A dime is worth 10 cents.
- A nickel is worth 5 cents.

Now, you have 15 coins in total. Let's assume that the number of dimes is "d". Since the problem states that you have only nickels and dimes, the remaining coins must be nickels. Therefore, the number of nickels can be calculated as (15 - d).

Now, we need to find the total value in cents. The value of "d" dimes is (10 * d) cents, and the value of (15 - d) nickels is (5 * (15 - d)) cents.

The simplified expression for the total amount of cents in terms of d (the number of dimes) is:

Total amount = (10 * d) + (5 * (15 - d))

Let's simplify further:
Total amount = 10d + 75 - 5d

Combine like terms:
Total amount = 5d + 75

So, the simplified expression in terms of "d" for the total amount of cents would be 5d + 75.