Please help me what this quotes mean then I have to write WHAT I think about it. i already get eight of them but idont get rest of them.

1) Or I will become engulfed with all I did or I did not do, with what should have been and what cannot be helped

2) You do not guess how new and uneasy her tenancy in her nowloveliness

3) I would start running as soon as i got off the street car, running up the stairs,....

4) What in me demanded that goodness in her? And what was the cost, the cost to her of such goodness?

5) Twice, only twice, when I had to get up for Susan anyhow, I went in to sit with her.

1) The first quote seems to express a sense of being overwhelmed or consumed by regrets and missed opportunities. The speaker reflects on their past actions or lack thereof, pondering what could have been different and accepting that some things cannot be changed.

To understand the meaning of a quote, it's important to analyze the context. In this case, the speaker seems to be reflecting on their own choices and the consequences or dissatisfaction associated with them. To fully comprehend the quote, you might try considering the events or circumstances leading up to it, the emotions implied, and any themes or motifs that appear throughout the larger text it is from.

2) The second quote appears to describe someone's appearance or state of being. The word "nowloveliness" suggests that the person has recently acquired or achieved something beautiful or captivating, but it feels unfamiliar or uncomfortable. It hints at an underlying uneasiness or lack of confidence with newfound attractiveness.

To interpret this quote, you can analyze the text surrounding it to determine the speaker's tone and the situation in which this observation is made. Consider the character's thoughts, feelings, and any possible conflicts that contribute to their perception of the person mentioned.

3) The third quote describes the speaker's immediate action of running as soon as they disembark from a street car. It suggests a sense of urgency or haste, as if the speaker is in a rush to reach their destination.

To understand the meaning of this quote, try exploring the context of the surrounding text. Consider the speaker's motivations for running, their thoughts while doing so, and any broader themes or implications tied to this action. It could represent a desire for escape, a pursuit of a goal, or a metaphorical representation of the speaker's state of mind.

4) The fourth quote contemplates the qualities of goodness found in another person and reflects on what part of the speaker's own character or nature compelled them to appreciate or seek such goodness. Additionally, it raises the question of what price or sacrifice the other person had to pay for possessing such virtue.

To interpret this quote, consider the emotional weight behind the speaker's words, the context of their relationship with the person in question, and any underlying themes of morality, redemption, or self-reflection. Analyze the possible effects of someone's goodness on others and the potential costs associated with embodying such qualities.

5) The fifth quote describes the speaker's limited presence or visits to someone named Susan. It mentions that only on two occasions, when the speaker had a reason to be up and about, did they sit with Susan.

To understand this quote, take into account the surrounding text and the relationship between the speaker and Susan. Analyze the speaker's motivations for sitting with Susan on those specific occasions, their reasons for not being present more frequently, and consider potential themes of companionship, obligation, and the value of time spent in the company of others.