What is simple predicate; Brianna needed kindling for a fire. AND A fire needs oxygen.



what is simple predicate; A roaring fire will keep them warm AND The spark has faded quickly

In the sentences you provided, the simple predicates are "needed" in the first sentence and "needs" in the second sentence. The simple predicate, also known as the verb, is the main action or state of being in a sentence.

To identify the simple predicate, it is helpful to ask yourself "What is the subject doing or what is being said about the subject?" In the first sentence, the subject is "Brianna" and she "needed" something, which makes "needed" the simple predicate. In the second sentence, the subject is "a fire" and it "needs" something, making "needs" the simple predicate.

It's important to note that the simple predicate generally consists of just the verb itself, without any accompanying words or phrases.