the lappans buy three large sandwich wraps to serve at a picnic. Nine people in all will be in the picnic. show three different ways to cut the sanwich so that each person gets an equal share.

See the Related Questions below.

To solve this problem, you need to divide each sandwich wrap into equal portions so that each person gets an equal share. Here are three different ways to cut the sandwich wraps:

1. Simple Triangles:
- Take the first sandwich wrap and cut it diagonally from corner to corner, creating two large triangles.
- Then, cut each triangle into three smaller triangles.
- Repeat the same process for the other two sandwich wraps.
- This method will give you a total of six equal portions for each sandwich wrap, enough for all nine people.

2. Rectangular Squares:
- Take the first sandwich wrap and cut it into four equal rectangular squares.
- Repeat the same process for the other two sandwich wraps.
- This method will give you a total of twelve equal portions for each sandwich wrap, enough for all nine people. You will have a few extra portions.

3. Combination of Triangles and Rectangles:
- Take the first sandwich wrap, cut it diagonally from corner to corner to create two large triangles.
- Then, cut the remaining part into two equal rectangular squares.
- Repeat the same process for the other two sandwich wraps.
- This method will give you a total of eight equal portions for each sandwich wrap, enough for all nine people.

Remember, it's important to ensure that each cut is made as accurately as possible to guarantee equal portions for everyone. Enjoy your picnic!