The question is: What is the smallest number with digits to the thousandths place that will round to 34.6? Is the answer 4?

To find the smallest number with digits to the thousandths place that will round to 34.6, we need to understand how rounding works. Rounding a number involves looking at the digit to the right of the desired decimal place and making a decision based on that digit.

In this case, rounding to the thousandths place means we are interested in the third decimal place after the decimal point (0.00X). To determine if the number rounds up or down, we examine the digit in the fourth decimal place (0.000X).

If the digit in the fourth decimal place is 5 or greater, we round up (increase the digit in the thousandths place by 1). If the digit is less than 5, we round down (keep the digit in the thousandths place the same).

In our case, if we round to the thousandths place, we would have to focus on the fourth decimal place. However, you mentioned that the desired rounded number is 34.6. The number 34.6 is already rounded to one decimal place, which means there is no rounding required.

Therefore, the smallest number with digits to the thousandths place that will round to 34.6 is indeed 34.6. The answer is not 4, but 34.6.