1. From Thomson's work, which subatomic particle do you think he would feel are most important for the formation of compounds? Why?

2. Of the remaining two other kinds of subatomic particles, which do you think would take second place in importance? Why?

3. Give three models that explain Thomson's findings and evaluate them. Include what his findings were.

1. The Thomson model consisted of electrons imbedded in a + charged "pudding" or a soup of + charges. Therefore I would think + charges would be the most important in bonding.

2. Second place would go to the electron since the neutron wasn't discovered until about 30 years later.

3 You should be able to deduce this from your text/notes.

1. Based on Thomson's work, he would likely feel that electrons are the most important subatomic particles for the formation of compounds. Thomson's experiments with cathode rays led to the discovery of electrons, which are negatively charged particles found outside the nucleus. Since electrons are responsible for the bonding between atoms in compounds, Thomson would recognize their significance in the formation of compounds.

2. Of the remaining two other kinds of subatomic particles, protons and neutrons, Thomson would likely consider protons to be the second most important for the formation of compounds. While Thomson did not discover protons himself, their existence was later confirmed by Ernest Rutherford. Protons are positively charged particles found in the nucleus of an atom. They play a crucial role in determining the identity of an atom and its chemical behavior, making them important for compound formation.

3. Three models that explain Thomson's findings are the Plum Pudding Model, the Nuclear Model, and the Bohr Model.

- Plum Pudding Model: Thomson's findings led him to propose the Plum Pudding Model, which suggested that atoms were made up of a positively charged substance with negatively charged electrons scattered throughout, resembling a plum pudding. However, this model was later disproved by Rutherford's experiments.

- Nuclear Model: Ernest Rutherford's experiments, building on Thomson's work, led to the development of the Nuclear Model. This model proposed that atoms have a small, dense, positively charged nucleus, where most of the mass is concentrated, and electrons orbit the nucleus at a distance. This model explained the presence of positive charges in the nucleus and the existence of electrons orbiting it.

- Bohr Model: The Bohr Model, developed by Niels Bohr, incorporated both Thomson and Rutherford's findings. It proposed that electrons orbited the nucleus in specific energy levels or shells, and each shell could hold a specific number of electrons. The model also introduced the idea that electrons occupy quantized energy levels and can transition between levels by releasing or absorbing energy. This model accounted for the stability of atoms and explained the spectral patterns observed in atomic emission and absorption spectra.

These models were evaluated and modified further as scientific understanding progressed, eventually leading to the development of the modern atomic theory.

1. From Thomson's work, he would likely feel that electrons are the most important subatomic particles for the formation of compounds. This is because Thomson's experiments led to the discovery of electrons as negatively charged particles located outside of the atomic nucleus. He proposed that atoms consist of a positive "pudding" with embedded electrons, known as the "plum pudding model." Since electrons are responsible for chemical bonding and the formation of compounds, Thomson would consider them crucial to understanding compound formation.

To further understand Thomson's work, one can refer to his experiments with cathode rays and the discovery of the electron. In his cathode ray tube experiments, he observed that when a high voltage was applied across the tube, a stream of particles traveled from the cathode to the anode. These particles were deflected by magnetic and electric fields, indicating the presence of negatively charged subatomic particles, later identified as electrons.

2. Based on Thomson's work, the second most important subatomic particle would likely be protons. Protons are positively charged subatomic particles located in the atomic nucleus. Although Thomson did not directly discover protons, his work contributed to later understanding of atomic structure, including the presence of protons.

Thomson's experiments and findings laid the groundwork for the development of the nuclear model proposed by Rutherford. Rutherford's gold foil experiment, inspired by Thomson's work on cathode rays, led to the discovery of the atomic nucleus, which contains protons. Protons play a crucial role in determining the element and identity of an atom, thus making them important for understanding compounds.

3. There are three models that were proposed to explain Thomson's findings:

a. The Plum Pudding Model: Thomson's own proposed model, where the atom is visualized as a positively charged "pudding" with embedded electrons resembling "plums." This model explained the presence of negatively charged electrons but did not account for the distribution of positive charge.

b. The Nuclear Model: Proposed by Ernest Rutherford, this model suggested that atoms consist of a small, dense, positively charged nucleus in the center, around which negatively charged electrons revolve. This model took inspiration from Thomson's work but introduced the idea of a concentrated positive charge in the nucleus. It explained the deflections observed in Thomson's experiments and the presence of protons.

c. The Bohr Model: Developed by Niels Bohr, this model built upon previous work, including Thomson's and Rutherford's, and proposed that electrons occupy specific energy levels or orbits around the nucleus. It explained the stability of atoms by suggesting that electrons only exist in discrete energy levels and can transition between these levels by absorbing or emitting energy.

Evaluating the models: Thomson's findings regarding the presence of electrons and their role in compound formation were crucial in shaping our understanding of atomic structure. The Plum Pudding Model, although simplified, demonstrated the existence of negatively charged particles within atoms. However, this model was eventually replaced by more accurate models that considered the presence of a concentrated positive charge in the nucleus (as seen in the Nuclear Model) and the quantized nature of electron energy levels (as explained by the Bohr Model). Overall, Thomson's findings contributed significantly to the evolution of atomic models and our understanding of subatomic particles.