The letter is written by Max.

I have to identify the simple & complete subject and verb in this sentence. Along with the verb. I am very confused.

Let's start with the verb >> is written.

Then ask WHAT is written? That gives you the subject >> the letter. The simple subject is letter.

What is the subject for max wrote the lettet

To identify the simple subject, complete subject, and verb in a sentence, you need to break it down into its different components. Let's analyze the sentence "The letter is written by Max."

1. Simple Subject: The simple subject is the main noun or pronoun that the sentence is about. In this case, the simple subject is "letter." It is a singular noun and is the focus of the sentence.

2. Complete Subject: The complete subject includes the simple subject along with any modifiers. In this case, "The letter" is the complete subject.

3. Verb: The verb is the action word or state of being that describes what the subject is doing or experiencing. In this sentence, the verb is "is written." "Is" is a form of the verb "to be" (in the present tense), and "written" is the main verb of the sentence.

To summarize:
- Simple subject: "letter"
- Complete subject: "The letter"
- Verb: "is written"

I hope this explanation clarifies the identification of the simple subject, complete subject, and verb in the given sentence.