Hello! I'm writing a story for English class, and it's supposed to be somewhat like 'the devil and Tom walker'. I'm don't know how I should start the story so could someone maybe give me some ideas? (:

The main character is Lilith Thompson.
The setting is on a farm in the countryside.
She wants to go to the city and become a famous singer, but her parents don't approve, and think its dangerous and will never happen. So she sneaks into the city one night and, meets the devil in the form of a talent agent.

How could I start the story off? Examples please.

I suggest you read the opening paragraphs of several good short stories. For instance, "The Devil and Tom Walker" begins with a description of the setting. Some stories begin with a dramatic event; others with dialogue.

Try various beginnings until you find the one that grabs you.

Certainly! Here are a couple of examples to help you start your story:

1) Descriptive Introduction:
"As the first rays of sunlight painted the tranquil countryside, Lilith Thompson fiddled with her worn guitar strings, her voice floating through the air like a whisper. The rolling hills of her family's farm seemed to echo her dreams, dreams that drifted far beyond the horizon where her parents' approval ended. Lilith longed for the bustle of the city, where melodies intertwined with the fervor of opportunity. But her parents, steadfast in their concern, chided her aspirations, deeming them unsafe and futile. Determined to defy their expectations, Lilith resolved to take matters into her own hands, her heart yearning for a chance encounter that would shape her destiny..."

2) Dialogue Opening:
"'Lilith, this city nonsense can only end in tears,' Mama pleaded, her eyes brimming with worry. 'You'll be swallowed whole, child!'
Father chimed in, worry etched across his furrowed brow. 'A famous singer? Ha! That's nothing more than a foolish fantasy, my girl.'
Lilith's resolve hardened as her parents' disapproval boomed in her ears. She resisted the urge to succumb to their fears, suppressing her dreams no longer. That very night, under the moon's gentle gaze, she whispered to herself, 'I will prove you wrong.' Determined, she packed her meager belongings and snuck away from the farm, her heart fluttering with anticipation..."

Remember, these are just suggestions to help you get started. Feel free to modify and adapt them to fit your writing style and storyline. Happy writing!